Hozzánk is beköszönt a tavasz, s az én quilling-tűmből is hóvirágok tűnnek elő. Ezennel boldog kitavaszodást kívánok mindenkinek és boldog Nőnapot minden nőnek!
Spring is coming so snowdrops are coming out of my quilling tool as well :)
I wish everyone a happy spring and happy women's day to all women!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
papír virágcsokor / paper flower bouquet
Tegnap nagymamám örökre lehunyta a szemét. Ezzel a virágcsokorral kísérem holnap utolsó útjára. Nyugodjon békében, Mámi!
My grandmother passed away yesterday. I made this bouquet to say goodbye. Rest in peace, Granny!
My grandmother passed away yesterday. I made this bouquet to say goodbye. Rest in peace, Granny!
Monday, 20 February 2012
quilling szülinapi meghívók / quilled birthday invitations
Egy kislány kilencedik szülinapjára kértek meg, hogy készítsek 10 darab egyszerű virágos meghívót. A helyszín és az időpont még nem ismert, majd utólag lesz beírva. A rózsaszín a mai lányok kedvence, ezért választottam ezt a színt a virágoknak.
The invitations are for a girl's 9th birthday. Her mother asked me to make 10 simple invitations with some cute flowers, and I chose this dark pink, since it's the girls' preferate colour nowadays :) The details of the event are yet unknown and are to be filled later on.
The invitations are for a girl's 9th birthday. Her mother asked me to make 10 simple invitations with some cute flowers, and I chose this dark pink, since it's the girls' preferate colour nowadays :) The details of the event are yet unknown and are to be filled later on.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
quilling macis tabló / quilled picture with teddy bears
Igaz, hogy ez a kis tabló szülinapra készült, de tökéletesen beillik egy Bálint-napi képbe is :)
Boldog szerelmesek napját!
I made this picture for someone's birthday, but it perfectly fits a Valentine's Day occasion as well.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Boldog szerelmesek napját!
I made this picture for someone's birthday, but it perfectly fits a Valentine's Day occasion as well.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
quilling gyertyatartó / quilled candle holder
Egy kis Bálint-napi ajándék...
A small Valentine's Day gift...
A small Valentine's Day gift...
Monday, 13 February 2012
3d origami kosár / 3d origami basket
Gondoltam tartok egy kis szünetet a quillingezésből, így előhalásztam a tavalyról megmaradt 3d origami-modulokat, olyan kis hajtogatott hároszögeket, amiből készítettem a füles kosárkát. Most is kosár alakult belőlük, csak kissé másfajta. Például húsvéti tojásnak... vagy bármi másnak. Valami kitalálok majd belé :)
I'm taking a little break from quilling... I have had some leftover modules from a basket I made last year, and was saving them until I had time to do something with them. I set my mind on a different kind of basket, one without a handle, that can hold Easter eggs for instance... or anything you want. I'll just figure out what to put in it :)
I'm taking a little break from quilling... I have had some leftover modules from a basket I made last year, and was saving them until I had time to do something with them. I set my mind on a different kind of basket, one without a handle, that can hold Easter eggs for instance... or anything you want. I'll just figure out what to put in it :)
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
quilling falióra / quilled clock
Szülinapi meglepetésként készültek ezek a faliórák, próbáltam rajtuk olyan elemekkel kísérletezni, amiket eddig még nem használtam. Egy bloggertársam, Pritesh oldalán akadtam rá a méhkas tehnikára, ezt próbáltam ki az egyik faliórán a számokban, a másikon pedig a virágokban.
I had to make two quilled clocks for two ladies' birthdays, and thought about experimenting with new techniques. I saw the beehive technique on Pritesh's blog, and found it lovely, and wanted to try it out. I used it in the numbers on the first clock and in the flowers on the second one. Still have to practice a lot, but it turned out quite okay for a first try :)
I had to make two quilled clocks for two ladies' birthdays, and thought about experimenting with new techniques. I saw the beehive technique on Pritesh's blog, and found it lovely, and wanted to try it out. I used it in the numbers on the first clock and in the flowers on the second one. Still have to practice a lot, but it turned out quite okay for a first try :)
Monday, 6 February 2012
quilling gyertyatartó / quilled candle holder
Tavaly készítettem egy ilyen kis gyertyatartót, s kértek még hetet. Volt egy kis munka velük :)
Last year I made a candle holder like this and they asked for seven more. So I've been quite busy lately :)
Last year I made a candle holder like this and they asked for seven more. So I've been quite busy lately :)