Friday, 7 December 2012

3d quilled cardholders / 3d quilling képtartók

Howdy folks!
Although my last post was almost a month ago, I haven't been lazy in the meantime :) I had some bigger projects to finish, some problems at home and no time to post anything. But now here I am with some pictures of 10 days' work: a Noah's ark of cardholders, almost every model I've tried so far. I enjoyed making all those little animals with their little squint eyes, they almost come to life :)

Bár szinte egy hónapja nem hallottatok - láttatok felőlem, nem lustálkodtam, néhány nagyobb projekt és otthoni gondok-bajok kitöltötték az időmet. De most bemutatom nektek az egyik 10 napos munkámat, ezt a kis Nóé bárkáját, ami az eddigi modelljeim javarészéből áll össze. Nagy élvezettel készültek a kis miniatűrök, meg a kis kancsi szemek is, néha az az érzésem, hogy mindjárt életre kelnek, mint egy rajzfilmben :)


  1. Wow wow. It doesn't seem to be a quilled one. its so cute

  2. Woah, it's so cute, and realistic

  3. Dear Eva,
    I have been to ur blog for 1001 times, I still couldn't take my eyes from your lil zoo. I do have some doubt. How do you fix the card holder, i mean the wire into the quilled animal. I would much appreciate your reply.. All the best for your future creations..
    Lija from India

    1. Dear Lija, thank you for taking interest in my work :) The quilled animals' body and head are empty inside. Before I piece them together I coat the inside with a fair amount of glue, let it dry, thus it hardens quite well and the figurines are easier to manipulate. Then I carefully make a hole in the desired place with a sharp object, put a little glue on the hole and insert the wire which goes all through the body. The glue will hold the wire after drying if I put enough of it.
      I hope this helps :)
      All the best to you too!

  4. They so cute :) thank you for sharing
