Csak egy kis tojás alakú színfolt, hogy húsvétra emlékeztessen...
Just a little colour splash in the shape of an egg to remind us of Easter...
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
húsvéti üdvözlet / Easter card
Egy kis csirke, amint bújik ki a húsvéti tojásból: ez volt az ötlet. A csibét kissé pihésre próbáltam elkészíteni, de nem jött össze pont úgy, ahogy elképzeltem... A férjem szerint az alakja inkább polipra hasonlít :))) Hátha a következő jobb lesz :)
I was supposed to make a chick in a hatching Easter egg... I tried to make the little one fluffy, so I used fringed paper stripes, but didn't come out exactly as I imagined it would... According to my husband the shape reminds him more of an octopus than a chick :))) I'll try to make the next one more recognizable :)
I was supposed to make a chick in a hatching Easter egg... I tried to make the little one fluffy, so I used fringed paper stripes, but didn't come out exactly as I imagined it would... According to my husband the shape reminds him more of an octopus than a chick :))) I'll try to make the next one more recognizable :)
Thursday, 29 March 2012
húsvéti nyuszis üdvözlet / Easter bunny card
A húsvéti üdvözletekről nem hiányozhat a nyuszi sem, s mivel nagyon megtetszett ez a kifestésre szánt rajz, úgy döntöttem, hogy papírral festem ki :) Ez az első ilyen fajta próbálkozásom, nem könnyű a papírt a vonalon vezetni, de a végeredmény mutatós :)
The bunny has to be there on at least one of the Easter cards, and because I liked this colouring page I've seen on the internet, I decided I should give it a try and "colour" it with paper. This is my first attempt using this technique, and was not easy, but I like the outcome :)
The bunny has to be there on at least one of the Easter cards, and because I liked this colouring page I've seen on the internet, I decided I should give it a try and "colour" it with paper. This is my first attempt using this technique, and was not easy, but I like the outcome :)
The Versatile Blogger award!
Today I've been awarded The Versatile Blogger award! Wow, I was speechless, stunned, for about an hour, and sooo happy ever since, because this is my first one, and now I can really see people appreciating my work. I would like to say thank you to the special person who chose me for this award: Szalonaisa's Wonderland. Please visit her blog and see the exquisite work she's done.
Now, to be sure I follow the rules of receiving and passing on this award, I'll list them below:
If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
-Thank the person who gave you this award.
-Include a link to their blog.
-Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
-Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
-Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
-Include a link to their blog.
-Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
-Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
-Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
The next step is pretty difficult: to choose 15 blogs to nominate. There are so many talented people with millions of extraordinary creations. So here they are, in random order:
Marius: http://quilling-mv.blogspot.com/
Divya: http://www.rainbow-arts.in
Ruxandra: http://myquillingblog.blogspot.com
Sweetie: http://sweetiehandmade.blogspot.com/
Azlina: http://azlina-lin.blogspot.com/
Tracey: http://quillynilly.blogspot.com/
Now I have to share 7 things about me...
- I love the smell in the air after a light summer rain
- I enjoy travelling around with my husband in our little car
- I love to have a good laugh once in a while, on movies, jokes and life's silly things. I heard that smiling and laughing frees happiness hormones :)
- I had a black cat and felt a bit like a witch for a while, especially when I had a broom in my hands :)
- I like to sing, although I would never dare to do it in public
- I find it amusing to eat with chopsticks, but last time I did it I managed to empty my plate... I'm getting better and better :)
- I'm nuts about good food and cakes
Sooo, thanks again for the award, I'm honoured, and wish you all much happiness!
Sooo, thanks again for the award, I'm honoured, and wish you all much happiness!
the Versatile Blogger award
Saturday, 24 March 2012
quilling húsvéti üdvözlet / quilled Easter card
Egy újabb húsvéti üdvözlet, virágos ággal. A lepke kakukktojás, ugyanis anyagból van, de jól talál a színe a virágokhoz :)
Another Easter card, this time with cherry blossoms. I love the blossoming trees in spring, can't wait to see them for real. All that colour, and smell of heaven... nature coming to life again. The butterfly is the odd-one-out, because it's made of material. It was some creamy silk and I painted it pink to match the colour of the flowers. The grass just gives a little lively feeling to the whole card. Enjoy!
Another Easter card, this time with cherry blossoms. I love the blossoming trees in spring, can't wait to see them for real. All that colour, and smell of heaven... nature coming to life again. The butterfly is the odd-one-out, because it's made of material. It was some creamy silk and I painted it pink to match the colour of the flowers. The grass just gives a little lively feeling to the whole card. Enjoy!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
quilling húsvéti üdvözlet / quilled Easter card
Nekifogtam én is húsvéti üdvözleteket gyártani :) Ez az első, az elmaradhatatlan színes tojásokkal, s persze a kosárkával. Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket kívánok!
I'm making Easter cards myself. Probably I won't have time to make as many as I'd like, but at least this is a start :) Enjoy the basket of Easter eggs! The text is hand written and says: "Happy Easter!"
I'm making Easter cards myself. Probably I won't have time to make as many as I'd like, but at least this is a start :) Enjoy the basket of Easter eggs! The text is hand written and says: "Happy Easter!"
Sunday, 18 March 2012
quilling falióra sárga virágokkal / quilled wall clock with yellow flowers
Tegnap sárgára volt kedvem :) ugyanis ezt az órát kedvem szerint alakíthattam, teljesen rám volt bízva. Hát, ez lett belőle :)
Yesterday I was in the mood for yellow. The design of this clock was entirely up to me, and this came out... :)
Yesterday I was in the mood for yellow. The design of this clock was entirely up to me, and this came out... :)
Friday, 16 March 2012
quilling falióra / quilled wall clock
Kicsit különösebb faliórára került sor, a számokat a tükörképeik társaságában láthatjátok :) Sajnos nem mindenhol jött ez össze, mert a számok között helyet kellett kapjanak "Sovata" (Szováta) betűi. Tudniilik az ajándékozott szovátai lakos (Szováta egy kis üdülőváros Maros megyében, Romániában, Európa leghíresebb heliotermikus tava, a Medve tó található itt.) Olyan mint egy betűrejtvény. A szám-szimbólumokat a magyar népmesék motívuma egészíti ki az óra sarkaiban.
This wall clock is a little bit weirder than the others, containing not usual numbers, but symbols that show numbers and their reflections and some letters that form the word "Sovata" (this is a small town with a holiday resort in Mures county, Romania, known for its famous heliothermical lake, the Bear lake). The receiver of the gift is a resident of this town, hence the riddle with the white letters. The red leaves in the corners are the symbol of a series of cartoons: the hungarian folk-tales.
This wall clock is a little bit weirder than the others, containing not usual numbers, but symbols that show numbers and their reflections and some letters that form the word "Sovata" (this is a small town with a holiday resort in Mures county, Romania, known for its famous heliothermical lake, the Bear lake). The receiver of the gift is a resident of this town, hence the riddle with the white letters. The red leaves in the corners are the symbol of a series of cartoons: the hungarian folk-tales.
quilling képkeret tavirózsával / quilled water lily on photo frame
Már rég készülök Magdinak összeállítani ezt a képkeretet, de csak most jutottam rá. Valami újat akartam kipróbálni, s mivel tavirózsát még nem készítettem, az lett a keret díszítőeleme.
I wanted to make this photo frame for a long time, and now I had the chance. The quilled water lily is my first, but I'm quite happy with it :)
I wanted to make this photo frame for a long time, and now I had the chance. The quilled water lily is my first, but I'm quite happy with it :)
Thursday, 15 March 2012
quilling naptár (negyedik rész) / quilled calendar (part four)
Íme itt a quilling-naptár utolsó része is: az ősz. A gólya azért van a fészkében, és nem utazott melegebb éghajlatokra, mert fontos dolga van még: kisbabát fog hozni az ünnepeltnek :) Meg egy csokor rózsát, szőlőt és kenyeret, a székely címert és egy rózsafűzért. Sokminden történik még szeptember-október-novemberben, vagyis Szent Mihály, Mindszent és Szent András havában.
Here's the last part of the quilled calendar: the autumn. Although the storks fly to warmer countries in this season, this one decided to stay and bring a new baby to the family :) And a bunch of roses, bread and grapes, the coat of arms of the szekler (inhabitants of Transilvania) and a rosary to pray. The other things have a personal meaning to the celebrated lady.
Here's the last part of the quilled calendar: the autumn. Although the storks fly to warmer countries in this season, this one decided to stay and bring a new baby to the family :) And a bunch of roses, bread and grapes, the coat of arms of the szekler (inhabitants of Transilvania) and a rosary to pray. The other things have a personal meaning to the celebrated lady.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
quilling naptár (harmadik rész) / quilled calendar (part three)
Itt van a nyár is... hát nem a valóságban, de a quilling naptáron igen :) Június, július, augusztus vagyis Szent Iván hava, Szent Jakab hava és kisasszony hava, és hozza a dinnyét, az érett búzakalászt, a dísznapraforgót, a falunapokat (a templomtorony kék alapon Gyergyóalfalu címere), az iskolanapokat (Sövér Elek iskolaközpont, innen az SE), az X-faktort (ezt nem tudom mért, de Ibolya szereti), és végül de nem utolsó sorban a magyar koronát, Szent István napjára emlékezve.
Here comes the summer on my quilled calendar, that brings a slice of juicy watermelon, a bright yellow sunflower, ripened wheat spikes, X-factor, the Holy Trinity, an hourglass, a celebration of the local school and of the village, and most importantly Saint Stephen's day in the 20th of august, represented by the hungarian crown in the middle of the calendar.
Here comes the summer on my quilled calendar, that brings a slice of juicy watermelon, a bright yellow sunflower, ripened wheat spikes, X-factor, the Holy Trinity, an hourglass, a celebration of the local school and of the village, and most importantly Saint Stephen's day in the 20th of august, represented by the hungarian crown in the middle of the calendar.
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